How To Lose Your Gut in 21 Days

There’s the line you’ve probably heard a thousand times before. But it’s achievable to lose your gut in just a few weeks, even less if you follow our tips thoroughly. The key is in the details.
Please note that this is not advised as a long-term weight loss plan and results may vary depending on body type.
Let’s give it to you straight and simple.
Carbs are not the enemy.
Eat your carbs if you want to burn fat. We’re not talking about digging into a big plate of your favorite pasta because you had a long and intense workout, we’re saying moderation and balance are still key in getting all the nutrients you need. Cutting carbs completely will help you lose weight quickly, but not fat. “Always keep in mind that fat burns in a carbohydrate flame”, Rick Kattouf says, a Fitness and Nutrition expert.
Catch more Zzzs.
Going to bed early not only helps you avoid those 3 a.m. cravings, but it also helps build those extra lean muscles that make it easier to lose excess fat and burn calories more effectively.
According to an obesity researcher, Jana Klauer, “After a good workout, you get deeper, slow-wave sleep; and it’s this cell-repairing stage of sleep where up to 70% of daily growth-hormone secretion takes place in young men.” Meaning, that even if you hit the gym consistently, sleep sabotage won’t give your body muscles their natural way to repair and grow leaner.
Keep in mind that getting enough sleep alone doesn’t promise the same weight loss results as other diet-level programs do.
Protein Abundance!
Protein is considered a macronutrient which means you need to consume it daily to stay healthy and keep your cells in good shape. Your protein intake hits two birds with one stone – it helps you curb hunger and at the same time, fuels your [entire] body with the nutrients it needs to regulate hormones and build muscles.
Note: Eating protein foods alone does not supply all the nutrients you need. A balanced diet is still recommended. Always consume your protein post-workout.
Believe in the power of supplements.
According to Men’s Journal, when it comes to supplements, there’s no secret elixir or magic pill for a successful short-lived emergency shred. You just need 200 mg of caffeine pre-workout and 4g of beta-alanine: 2g in the morning and 2g post-workout.
Not convinced? There was a 2008 study at the College of New Jersey on collegiate football players on beta-alanine supplementation for 30 days who were then randomly divided into two groups. The group that took the beta-alanine supplements was found to have a higher training volume and lower fatigue rate throughout their exercises. Furthermore, UK researchers studied athletes who took caffeine pre-game improved their overall exercise performance by 11.2%. Pretty impressive, right? But the real challenge is finding the best supplement for you. The good news is Anytime Fitness Mildura offers a variety of the most trusted supplements today. Plus, you get to have a personal recommendation from one of our experienced personal trainers in-club to make sure you’re making the right choice.
Intervals matter.
High-intensity interval training should be part of your program if your goal is to burn fat fast. Several studies have shown HIIT’s excellent ability to increase metabolic rate for hours even after exercise. It can help you lose fat as your metabolism is at high speed for hours after you train. To make sure you’re always on track with your goals, find a gym that offers HIIT circuit training for professional guidance and that extra motivation.
Lift enough weight.
Muscle growth revs up your metabolism which can help you burn more fat, therefore, lifting enough weight can help you burn calories all day long compared to cardio. To simplify, weight training gives you increased lean muscle mass, which boosts your metabolic rate so more calories are burned. Join a gym that offers unlimited access to complete, top-notch equipment to support your weightlifting needs anytime.
Be part of a supportive community.
Researchers calculated that a gym membership was related to 14 times higher odds of meeting weekly physical activity guidelines for both men and women. Not only does a gym membership offer all the equipment you need to hit your goals, but it also helps foster a social aspect (a sense of belonging) because of the fun environment and the support you get from professional trainers. Ready to lose your guts? Join the largest and most supportive fitness community today. Get your exclusive offer at Anytime Fitness Mildura now.
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